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help with Exterior Navmeshing

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i need help with some Exterior Navmeshing, i've done Navmeshing before, even way back in Fallout 3, Fallout NV and i've made some Navmeshed Houses and Bases in Skyrim though mostly its interiors, so i thought this would be easy BUT this one is driving me insane, if anyone is familiar with "Castle Mendoza" mod, you'll know that the Castle used to be in the Rift but i moved it in the Plains near Rorikstead, so one of the users of the mod reported that Patrols where buggy infront of the castle, so i thought it was just an easy bug to fix, i thought i just forgot to finalize a cell or something simple like that but when i looked, it was finalized, the navmeshing looks alright but when tested in-game NPCs act like i cut off a part the Navmeshing or like its not Finalized at all (see the pictures below) i've done everything i could think off and it still won't work, i re-navmeshed the place, moved the preferred pathing, re-finalized etc., the NPCs aren't stuck there forever though, just entering an interior or fast travelling will let them pass through but i want to actually fix this bug, i hope someone can help me with this, thanks in advance and sorry for the wall of text

here's the file

its the one named "v1.55 OPTIONAL RORIKSTEAD LOCATION NEW"


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Exterior navmeshes are a pain. They are divided into grids, and requires finalizing between each segment that was originally connected to the mesh. You might have to extend the navmesh so that it is in close proximity to the adjacent mesh.
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in the IMAGES i posted, i already connected and finalized the grid navmeshes, as you can see the green lines, but in-game NPCs are still acting like its not finalized, i did some exterior navmeshing before in Fallout NV and Skyrim and it worked fine then but this one is really weird

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Hi there I loaded your esp in in the CK and there was a Navmesh error 'Navmesh Bounds missing refinalise cell' for that particular cell. It seems that it can cause issues with your navmeshes and NPC's.





Also check the cell for any loose navmesh vertices and delete them.Hope this helps

Edited by Jazrael
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Hi there I loaded your esp in in the CK and there was a Navmesh error 'Navmesh Bounds missing refinalise cell' for that particular cell. It seems that it can cause issues with your navmeshes and NPC's.


Oh that old chestnut, thats the classic deleted navmesh error. You'll have to undelete the navmesh, select it all (highlight green) then push it down in the landscape


a better solution is to fix undeleted navmesh with TES5edit




Reply to below:


You simply make the new navmesh have the same form i.d. as the vanilla as detailed in the tutorial.


Undelete the deleted navmesh. Rename new navmesh with the same Form I.D. as the original.


newmesh = oldmesh. simples. :cool:

Edited by soupdragon1234
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Hi there I loaded your esp in in the CK and there was a Navmesh error 'Navmesh Bounds missing refinalise cell' for that particular cell. It seems that it can cause issues with your navmeshes and NPC's.


Oh that old chestnut, thats the classic deleted navmesh error. You'll have to undelete the navmesh, select it all (highlight green) then push it down in the landscape


a better solution is to fix undeleted navmesh with TES5edit




ok, so once i restore the old navmesh with TESedit, how will i be able to make a new navmesh that's right for the new terrain? since i can't delete the old one and make a new one, do i need to make a new navmesh on top of the old navmesh?

Edited by ghostrecon123
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delete the new nav you placed by going to the mod in Tes5edit and just deleting all references to nav within the mod, this will automatically regenerate the original skyrim nav.

Then look at how it looks in the ck in that cell.

make a note of the format like

11 nav with id number "Whatever it is"

364 with id number "whatever it is"

keep hold of that as its the quickest way to work out which navs you have changed.

Then delete the nav triangles where you need to make changes re do the nav as you want it.

Finalise the cell, also finalise any cells directly adjoining, north south east west, ignore diagonal corner touchings. Make a note of which cells directly adjoin yours.

Check in Tes5 edit remove all cell edits and navmesh edits EXCEPT in your cell and the ones north/south/east/west.

Reload the mod in the ck and then save which will sort out saving the edited nav.

Run Tes5 cleaner and see if there are deleted navs.

If there are

Use the link to the solution posted above in afk mods. with your notes made from the vanilla nav in the cell as an aide memoir to work out which ones you have changed.

Then do the refinalise in your cell and directly adjoining cells again. Check in Tes5 edit remove all cell edits and navmesh edits EXCEPT in your cell and the ones north/south/east/west.

Reload the mod in the ck and then save which will sort out saving the edited nav.

Run it through Tes5 edit cleaning one last time to make sure all is sorted.

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thanks for the detailed advice guys, i made some progress yesterday, i'll try to finish up in the weekends

Edited by ghostrecon123
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