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I need help...

I am a writer, I've written as far as Movie scripts to short stories, etc. But Programming, even in the GECK, is completely out of my league.

I have recently finished a Script for a Fallout New Vegas Quest Mod. It's taken me over two and a half years but it's finally finished, and I REALLY would like to see it made.

I've sent messages to several talented modders asking for help. All of them declined. The last one I asked told me it would be wise to learn how use the GECK and make the mod. I took this to heart and I looked up some tutorials on YouTube. All I can say is, "Claps for all of the wonderful modders who can understand how to do all this" I have actively tried to make this myself and the product has been so ugly and awful that I couldn't continue, which is why I'm here.

I'm looking for people who can script scenes, make quests and build new areas.

I need people's help. If anyone is interested message me or post something here for me to see.

PLEASE HELP ME if you can!

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I was in your position 5 years ago. 5 Years later, I'm still in your position. :tongue:

Take the advise - learn to script. I learned everything else except that, and now I wish I had. It will be ugly, and it'll take many months of struggle, but you'll get there if you believe in it, work hard, and listen to good advise.


Great place to start: https://www.youtube.com/user/Seddon4494/videos



Edited by Thaiauxn
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