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Last time playing my Samurai warrior build i failed.... then i thought now i should kill my self. But there isn´t any sepuko mod or i haven´t seen it. So please any hero out there who can make seppuko/harakiri mod. That would be totaly awesome and i could restore the honor of my family.

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I'm guessing you're wanting this as a mod and not a console command? I craft and/or enchant most of the stuff people use console commands for. I'm far to lazy to type in combat as many do. However, I do use 5 and there is a trick to some of them. So at the start of play from a save I use tt, tg, and FOV 100 this really only changes the camera and visibility. I also use qqq, it closes the game off to desktop mode instantly... But right before I use that (this is the trick part of command line that may help you) I type "save" after save I type a name that I'll remember why I saved there, like no quotes or spaces "save Going_into_White_Run" and hit enter to save it that way.

the trick is if you press the up arrow in the console it shows the last thing you type. It's been 2 and a half years and 800 hours of play since I looked at the commands but I think there is at least one for "kill player character" but you may have to do some digging, " decapitate player character" sounds fun. So as long as you don't exit to the desktop you could console command 'kill yourself' all day. However, I don't think it will raise you 'one-handed' skill tree Hahahe

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