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[LE] [Info] Behavior by "Havok Animation Tools"

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I would like to point your attention on interesting stuff: "Havok Animation Tools".

These tools allow you to create custom behavior files for your model.

There are a few mods I have made by using "Havok Animation Tools":

Take a look on it, please, and try it out :)

Maybe someone will find it useful and worth for learning enough to make something else with its help.

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Hey Anton,

from the comments of your file i somehow got the impression that the scripts for 3ds max are not fully functional is that the case?.

Would definetly like to make some animated objects soon.

If you mean "Animation Tools N4 - Body Animator" then yes, script uploaded on Nexus is not functional. But there are two things. You have no need in this tool to work with "Havok Animation Tools". And the second - @perture already made fully functional script for 3Dmax to work with "Body Animator". But this script uploaded only on Russian site here "MaxScript для "Animation Tools N4 - Body Animator".

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Could those tools be used with Blender 2.49 or even as standalone?

Hoping to use them for FO3 modding.

No, I didn't make any tools for Blender 2.49, it is too old. But anyway I think any of this tools will not be compatible with FO3. Without proper conversions, they even not compatible with Skyrim.

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So how can i understand this?

Is Havok Animation Tools a collection of your tools you already have on the nexus or is it something else?.

The way i understand this like this: you create an animated object with 'Body animator' and then use the behaviour tools on top?

But I also noticed that for example Animated Dragon wings has animation inside the .nif while Fairy Wings doesn't.

DId you use a different workflow for this?

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No, "Havok Animation Tools" (HAT) is a part of Havok itself, modified by "Project Anarchy" team and released separetly here: "Click"

If you know 3Dmax, you have no need in my tools to work with HAT.


Yes, "Animated Dragon Wings" and "Animated Fairy Wings" uses different ways of behavior usage. ADW uses my tool "Behavior Creator", AFW - uses "HAT" and few utils for Blender 2.7 (3Dmax users have no need it this).

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