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Purple hair on a follower.


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So the problem I have is that the Unique Lydia mod I have which changes Lydias appearance works fine except that the hair is weirdly "glitched" and I don't know what is causing it because I have all the requirements and my load order is working perfectly.


picture of the problem: http://gyazo.com/c394e00544e8d8c6c47c0ac68f52c125


You can see that her hair is normal from the top, but the lower end of the hair is purple and blocky. The only thing the mod required was Apachii hair mod. I've put this Lydia mod almost to the bottom, but not under the warbugs map mod or the ASIS and dual sheath patch.


Bottom of the load order: http://gyazo.com/441a6b9e292aaf005d1862ef84b0dd90

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