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The paid mod feature may have been removed from Steam Workshop


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This will be my last post on this subject as I would like to relax and at least think something is right in the world at the moment for once, because last night I was heavily thinking about this subject and I came to a troubling conclusion.


(see attached image) I have several of these ranging from the late 90s to early 2000s, many gaming magazines would offer up FREE mod cds of the best mods, because back then most people didn't have the internet, or had bad connections. This obviously had some cost to the magazine, they didn't charge any extra for it - mods were free, the very concept of charging for them was inconceivable, games like UT and Quake thrived on mods and extended the life of those games dramatically.


It was an honor to get your mod listed as a top rated mod back then, and to get your mod or player skins listed on the various free CDs - thats when you knew you work had paid off. The problem and conclusion I came to last night is that the newer generation of modders, it seems many have entitlement issues and that damages the modding community severely- quite a few modders these days was probably in diapers, or in Elementary school when this CD was released back in April 2000, exactly 15 years ago.


15 years is a long time - times do change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. Back in 2011 we first saw DLC appear and the backlash that created, even today I don't buy into a lot of DLC if its carved from the original game like a piece of meat, and paid modding is like taking a chain saw and cutting that piece of meat in half, its going to be brutal and bloody.


This goes out to the current and new generation of modders, please take this into consideration that modding has a rich history, whether the developer of the games liked it or not, modders strive to make content for themselves, to make the games either better or more interesting - never once has the original modders thought about profit, many developers out there like Valve and Bethesda see modding as an opportunity for -them- to make money, not you! Please remember this in the future when almost certainly this will become an issue again.

Oh man, you said it so nicely you made my non-english speaking person relieved. Thanks. =)

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