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I know that for poison and elemental resistance, even if the item enchantment says that it is 100%, it is actually 85%. That's why vampires can still get poisoned, despite supposedly have 100% poison resistance. However, what about disease resistance? I know that for vampires and werewolves, 100% resistance means 100% resistance, but what about for item enchantments? For example, if you're not a vampire or werewolf but are wearing Hevnoraak's mask, can you ever get infected by any disease?

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Fire up Wrye Bash, right click on bashed patch, select rebuild patch, click on Tweaks, right click on Max Resistance set to 100% then build patch. You can also alter carrying capacity, crime detection range etc. Pretty much the only thing you can't do is up the max armour damage resistance it seems that's hard coded (80% reduction with armour at 667, it just ignores anything over 667.)

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