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How do I have some animations use PCEA, while others not? (FNIS)


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I want some animations to be used on both NPCs and the player, while others to be used exclusively on the player. How do I accomplish this?

I tried running GenerateFNISForUsers.exe once for each animation separately, (One time with PCEA Patch on, one time with it off) but one of the NPC/Player animation packs does not appear.

Here is my load order (Red = Player Only; Blue = Player & NPC):


(When I load PCEA any lower it breaks the animations.)

TDoD, TK Dodge, Kick-Blocked, and Dual Wield Parrying all work fine. The problem is Enhanced Animations does not load on the Player nor the NPCs when the "Player Only Animation Group" is loaded. When only the "NPC/Player Animation Group" is loaded, they work fine. I have tried every load order I could think of to get both groups to work together.

Any advice is appreciated.

Edited by KeplerNEEL
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