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Dragons fly around with out clipping and dont die?

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hey so i placed a dragon in an interior cell for a dungeon mod i am making and noticed that when it died it always continued to fly around (without any clipping), not land, and not properly die (no death animation, no sol absorption etc). I assumed this was because dragons dont mix with interior cells. there was nav mesh and plenty of space. But recently i mad a new worldspace and placed dragons, and the exact same thing is happening.


How on Nirn do i fix this ??


is there someway to bypass the dragons death animation so it just dies in the air ?

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I don't think dragons and interior cells mix very well (though you could just create a worldspace and build in that, would need an awful lot of space for a dragon to fly around without looking awkward though), but as to your specific question I figured out how to not make dragons fly through mountains/other stuff in worldspaces and documented that here.


The TLDR version is:

1. Load up your mod with the worldspace in the CK

2. click menu World > Generate max height data for world.

3. Select your custom worldspace from the list provided, click OK.

4. Save your mod and load it up in Skyrim because you're done.


I don't know if this will fix your death animation/soul absorption stuff, that sounds more like mod issues, but one step at a time.

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Vanilla dragons do not die in the air either, they have to land before they can do that. If you open the console click on them and type "kill" nothing will happen until you use Dragonrend or similar to make them land and then they die instantly. Presumably thats deliberate.


As I recall they have to be in contact with the navmesh for the death animations to occur. Perhaps analyzing the Dragonrend shout will give a clue as how to make them land on demand. They also as I recall cannot land absolutely anywhere, besides perch markers they need an open space and I've heard, a designated landing spot. I'm not sure about the latter though. :unsure:


I remember Ac3s has a mod with an interior dragon with exactly the same issues of clipping through walls etc I'm not sure if he came up with a solution for it either but maybe he'll read this and offer some suggestions.

Edited by soupdragon1234
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  • 5 months later...

I'm using the best work around i can think of for this now. Basically i have scripted when the dragon gets equal to or bellow a certain value of health, it is disabled, and simultaneously a ground dragon is enabled. The ground dragon has a package on it telling it to sit, as well as an ability i made from the dragonrend spell effect. This results in it spawning on the ground, and the ability prevents it from flying when initiating combat. The ground dragon does not clip through walls and so can be killed like normal.


Thanks for your help guys :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dragons need a landing marker to die, maybe?


I've been trying to make a dragon fly around in a huge cave. I placed skymarkers around the cave, it works until th dragon enters combat. Then he ignores all the skymarkers and goes through walls like crazy. I cannot generate max height data or else the dragon flies above the ceiling. The only solution I have come up with is creating my own combat AI package. It's just really laggy because it has lots of conditions and it's even more predictable compared to the default combat package since the dragon just follows a set path around the cave. Getting the dragon to hover is hard because its animations clip through the walls if there isn't enough space and it has to hover near the player or it looks dumb. Landing shouts is hard too. No wonder the dragon in Blackreach never flies.

Edited by Ceruulean
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