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Coding Language


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It's a proprietary language just for Fallout. It's not a standard language like C++ or java but it uses a lot of similar syntax for certain types of things. It evolved out of the scripting langauge for older games like Morrowind and Oblivion though it has some slight differences. They tweaked it a bit more and gave it the name "papyrus" for Skyrim. I don't think it has an official name in Fallout.

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Adding to what madmongo said, it's not a standard language, I've seen it referenced as "TESScript" since it was used in Oblivion. It reminds me a bit of an assembly language due to the comments being led by a semi colon. The first language that comes to mind is Lisp, the comments in there are led by semicolons as well. Though, I have to admit, when I first started scripting in the GECK I found myself wishing it used more common comment syntax (such as #, //, or /*~*/)

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