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Programmable Merging of Images


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I've been thinking about this for a while now and now I'm determined to find a solution...which is why I am starting this thread.


I typically have multiple image files that get merged into a final DDS product. This takes a bit of time if you have a LOT of images.


I think it would be awesome if I could make a batch file that would re-compile all my source images into their final DDS format.



Armor_DIFF.PNG = A diffuse color map

Armor_ALPHA.PNG = A transparency map


Armor_DIFF.PNG + Armor_ALPHA.PNG (in the alpha channel) + DDS Format (DXT5 + Mipmaps) = Armor.dds

Armor_NRM.PNG - A Normal Map

Armor_SPEC.PNG - A specularity map


Armor_NRM.PNG + Armor_SPEC.PNG (in the alpha channel) + DDS format (DXT5 + Mipmaps) = Armor_n.dds

iconArmor.PNG = An icon

iconArmor_ALPHA.PNG = A transparency map


iconArmor.PNG + iconArmor_ALPHA.PNG (in the alpha channel) + DDS Format (DXT3 + NoMipmaps) = iconArmor.dds

I am currently looking towards ImageMagik as a possible solution.


If I find a solution, I'll create a tutorial on how to accomplish it.



- Merge Layers as TIF or TGA

- Use Convert with the "Set Alpha"

- DDS writing is not supported with ImageMagick, could use multi-layered TIF and converted with something else (maybe) or TGA file.


Command to EXTRACT an alpha channel from an image:

convert drawn.png -alpha extract mask.png


Command to COPY to an alpha channel from an image:

convert alpha_extract.png  -alpha copy   alpha_copy.png


Command to enable the Alpha channel for an image:

convert moon.png  -alpha off    -alpha set    alpha_set.png


Command to create TGA from a normal map + specular map

convert Armor_NORM.PNG Armor_SPEC.PNG -colorspace RGB -alpha Off -compose copy_opacity -composite Armor_n.tga


Command that lists supported file formats:

convert -list format


DDS* DDS       r--   Microsoft DirectDraw Surface

The above shows there is Read-Only support for DDS...meaning we can only convert from DDS, not write directly to DDS using ImageMagick.


DDS Utilities - This package includes "nvDXT.exe" which is a command-line program that can access the nvDXTlib functions...which may provide the end-result solution. ImageMagick can handle all preparations beforehand and nvDXT can create the DDS file.


NConvert - This can convert to and from DDS format in batch mode.


ATI Compress - ATI's library for compression and used by The Compressonator which can be used to batch create DDS files.

thecompressonator.exe -convert "armor.tga" "armor.dds" DXT1 -mipmaps
thecompressonator.exe -convert "armor_n.tga" "armor_n.dds" DXT5 -mipmaps
thecompressonator.exe -convert "iconarmor.tga" "iconarmor.dds" DXT3


Adobe Photoshop's Automate Batch - Can be used to automate the conversion of images to DDS format (if you have Photoshop and if you have NVidia DDS Plugin installed properly).



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