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Player Useable Markers


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Well to make a long story short, I'm working on a mod that involves a lab/tech area and to make that area more immersive I wanted to add idles for both npcs and the player.


The markers work fine for the npcs, but no matter what I try I can't seem to get my character to use them at all.


> I've tried using an activator


> I've tried linking an activator to an idle, but after I input it, it doesn't hold, it vanishes as if i didn't link anything at all.


> I've tried switching the model of furniture markers that the player can activate,but that doesn't work either


> I've searched but the only answer that came close was about skyrim, and despite looking at their mods in the creation kit, I can't seem to duplicate what the did for Fallout 3 (I know that the GECK and Creation Kit are different, but I was hoping for some insight...but I didn't see anything I haven't tried.


Can someone help me with this? Is it a collision issue, or a script issue?

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Well, technically it's none of the above. The player will only use idle animations that are outside the "legal" Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\idleanims folder, and with rare exceptions they only work when the player is in 3rd person camera view. You need to put the kf files somewhere else and use FO3Edit to change the path (because GECK won't let you specify a folder outside the "legal" default).


You can see the player idles in Quo Vagis for reference. The kf files are in Data\Meshes\Belthan\QuoVagis\playeridles and because of the non-standard path they show up as a separate section under Idle Animations in the GECK. The PlayerTakePhoto animation is invoked by player.playidle in the PhotoShootOnSite effect script.


Perhaps an even better example is in Coito Ergo Sum. Same principle, and the cesPlayerTakeShower idle animation (which uses \data\meshes\belthan\coitoergosum\playeridles\playershowernoloop.kf) is invoked by an activator whenever the player stands in the shower, so that might be closer to what you need for the lab than the photogapher animation (which plays when an on-site photo shoot is in progress, regardless of location).


EDIT: If you haven't seen the player shower animation in game, you can see it in action at

around 1:15.
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Belthan, I believe that the reason why they work is not because it's on a specific folder outside the vanilla one, but because you're calling playidle with a spell. More in general, it works fine on an object/effect script but not on a quest script


To OP: when you use a custom furniture, you must add a proper condition inside the Animation tab on top menu, better if inside the furniture branch (or over it, but not too much lower than it or another condition will be evaluated in place). Keep in mind that furniture numbers are hardcoded.

Edited by Fallout2AM
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In FO3, I was unable to get player.playidle to work in any type of script (effect, object, or quest) unless the kf files were outside the normal path. That may be because of how changing the path affects the Idle Animation record in the GECK, rather than the physical location of the kf file itself, but I'm not sure about that.


I assumed the same was true in FNV so I used the same technique, although I didn't actually test it. If player.playidle functions as expected in FNV without the workaround, that would be good to know.


EDIT: I'll be damned. I just tested in FNV and sure enough, player.playidle works with any vanilla animation from an effect script. Thanks!


EDIT #2: Just for giggles, I tested in FO3 and I'll be double dog damned. player.playidle works with vanilla animations from an effect script in FO3 too. I have no idea what made me think my "workaround" was necessary. Mega thanks and kudos!

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Thanks for the replies guys, seems I was both way off base and somewhat on the right track according to what was said. I'll probably test this over the weekend, but I disected the Water Tower Hideout mod for New Vegas, and I'm reverse engineering the scripts and setups for how the mod author placed useable pushup and dance markers.


However with what Fallout2AM said, I'll try that out this weekend as well. Thanks for the assist.

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EDIT: I'll be damned. I just tested in FNV and sure enough, player.playidle works with any vanilla animation from an effect script. Thanks!


EDIT #2: Just for giggles, I tested in FO3 and I'll be double dog damned. player.playidle works with vanilla animations from an effect script in FO3 too. I have no idea what made me think my "workaround" was necessary. Mega thanks and kudos!


well I could have been completely wrong here: I almost never modded FO3 so I don't know it very well, but I do know the animations core acts slightly different from NV - glad you tested so at least I know it works there too :smile: I could guess from where you took that info. I remember I've read about it on the wiky, I guess that stuff was coming from that Project Valhalla's people, if you remember. But yes I guess it wasn't really right. I've never found a good reason to change the animation path.


On a side note, invoking animations with an object script (on both npc or player) causes a downside. It's very rare that a mod is affected by that, I randomly found it because I was making a specific mod for that, however I believe it's still good to know.



OP sorry if I somewhat derailed your thread. Everytime I read "animations" I stop being rational. Not that I'm often rational, however.

Edited by Fallout2AM
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