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Moderators: Read this please


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Personally I am not going to take sides on this issue, but i do have a couple of cents to put in. As far as being corrupt, what's wrong with that, lol, seriously though. However, I am a bit surprised that although this thread has went this far, he hasn't flamed anyone yet, and noone has flamed him. It shows maturity on both sides with I commend. However, I ask that if you all wish to continue this discussion, then you continue it in the mature fashion that you have all shown that you are capable of doing. I'm merely giving my 'blessing' persay to continue this convo maturely, but I will keep a close watch on it. I ask that you all make sure you think before posting any further, we do not need another flamewar, banning, or any of the such. Disagreements, can be solved maturely or argued maturely, though it is easier to do it immaturely.



-The Raven-out

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I posted this in -Hawk- newbie forum post. I think it is even more relevant here.


I feel as a memeber and Moderator of these forums to alert my fellow members/mods/admins that -Hawk- is in fact Duskreaver.



Dusk, Nov 4 2003, 12:56 PM


Group: Members

Posts: 13

Joined: 4-November 03


Sorry, I didn't tell you it was me. Duskreaver - with a new identity



Why I do this for is for the simple fact that AFAIK you are not allowed to do this <have multiple accounts> and even if you are the simple fact of re-inventing yourself after you have kicked up a stink IMHO is wrong.



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woops! after further research into the monkeydom of -Hawk-/Duskreaver(I now accept it as truth, my bad for second-guessing), I have determined that he is a 13 year-old Australian boy, and I'm off to try to find his AIM screenname. You know, for kicks. :)
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Question - HeLLL


I have two accounts on my PC, one for myself, and one for Melisande, who is a neighbor of mine without a computer who wants to be in my RP thread. He is running off my e-mail address, as he does not have one of his own.


Eventually, when her time allows, my wife will probably add a third, though she will go from her own e-mail address.


Is this set-up in violation of the rules? If so, what can I do to be in compliance?

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