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Your best shot?


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i have a friend whos a hardcore recon.. he sniped a heli... in a tank.. and the heli was on the other side of the map

lol thats nothing :biggrin:

one time in BF2 I was driving in a tank and saw an A-10 aproaching I jumped on the MG turret and like a scene from a movie shot it down and it crashed a few feet away from me. That moment was beast

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I was in Bad Company a few days ago and I shot down a HIND with a flak cannon. However as I sat in my flak cannon, cheering and whooping as the HIND fell from the sky, it came down right on top of me, counting as a suicide. Epic Fail. Still got 490 points for it though.

Edited by Vindekarr
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  • 2 weeks later...
My best shot was in a hardcore conquest match on heavy metal there was a black-hawk gunning down the central base and injuring me so i pulled out my colt 45 and to a 1 in a million shot at the pilot across the map 2 seconds later i was awarded with a head shot and watched completely amazed as the heli rammed face first into the ground giving me 2 extra kills for the gunners. I stood there for about 2 minutes speechless o_O ..... then i got ran over by a jeep :mellow:
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My brother went for 0 Kill soldier, pure healer soldier.

He was switching to his defib and switched to the MG by mistake, he fired a shot and killed a guy across the river.


My best shot was probably with the M95 SA, i was jumping down, looked behind me and saw a guy aiming at me, i shot and killed him in the head, opened my chute and took out my Rex, gunned down a chap in the alley behind the building, and repeatdly knifed people on my way up.



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  • 1 month later...
The time that a helicopter flew by me while I was sniping from a mountain in the map Heavy Metal. I tossed a shot, just for fun at the helicopter, not expecting to hit jack s*** because I never hit anything when it comes to helicopter and sniping, but I hit the gunner behind the pilot in one of those missile helicopter thingies. I was like: Whoaaa, no way.
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i have two that are tied in my mind:


i was defense in rush on lighthouse, i headshotted a sniper from our final base, to the lighthouse.



also i took a pot-shot at a helicopter once and i headshotted the pilot, i was so surprised that i stood still for a minute and was killed myself

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was playing as Medic on Isla Innocentes Rush. and I was defending, when all the sudden this helicopter starts flying around near the enemy spawn island. Then the helicopter flies towards the island, then starts flying at me, I'm firing my Type 88 the whole time, my friends are behind me shooting their guns, and then I must've hit something important, because the thing explodes right in front of me, and my friends and I are all laughing so hard, even though neither three of us got a kill. It was so hectic and crazy, and none of us ran, we just started shooting the living crap out of this helicopter trying to turn us into mush. It got so close, then it blew up! I died, and got revived, but it was still really awesome.


Then there was that time on Atacama Desert playing Conquest, and there was a particularly nasty Hind flying around and being generally annoying, then the butt head who's driving gets the idea he's going to try to spawn kill, and I'm sitting around with my friend (who is an awesome pilot for the helicopter) waiting for the Apache to spawn, and that Hind comes over, our helicopter spawns, and it gets blown up before my friend can even get in it. I rush to the AA gun, and hit that guy right on the tail rotor, he goes completely out of control for a bit, almost hits the ground, and all this time him and I are just watching, then we realize the guy's still really close to our spawn! I start shooting him, but he's flipping around and I can't hit him, when all the sudden I hear a "koomp" and then a "kra-koom" and the helicopter's down, and there's my friend sitting in an Abrams, and we went on to be the two highest scorers in the match (he had about 150 more than me) and we handily owned the opposing team. It was epic.

Edited by frakle
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  • 1 month later...

Mine was on Operation Hastings, a Huey with 2 gunners was assaulting our team. I pulled out my M40 and heroically shot both the gunners of the helicopter with one bullet, while the helicopter was in midflight. Then, I guess the helicopter pilot was upset that I shot his gunners out and turned toward me. I proceeded to shoot him out of the pilot's seat and cause the Huey to crash into the water, which my friend repaired and we stole.




See this is a lie because if it went in the water then he couldnt use it.

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