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My TES5edit took an arrow to the knee. Assistance needed.

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Hey all. Glad to be apart of the forums. Hate I had to join like this. Anyways I've been researching modding for skyrim for the last week. Intensely. Throughout that process Ive reinstalled the game back and forth many times. Never having any problems. Now I decided to reinstall everything again, this inlcuded Steam, tes5, NMM, LOOT, TES5edit, ect. If it doesnt install to directory I deleted them and then re-extracted the zip. Anyways so when I run TES5edit I get some strange error. > Error Invalid type for". > Here's the bug report:



date/time : 2015-07-06, 04:04:16, 737ms
computer name : USER-PC
user name : User <admin>
registered owner : User
operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601
system language : English
system up time : 3 hours 39 minutes
program up time : 144 milliseconds
processors : 4x Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz
physical memory : 2748/4095 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 68.64 GB
display mode : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id : $1b8
allocated memory : 24.63 MB
executable : TES5Edit.exe
exec. date/time : 2015-05-26 12:11
version :
compiled with : Delphi XE
madExcept version : 4.0.5
callstack crc : $e21fdffa, $3680652f, $3680652f
exception number : 1
exception class : ERegistryException
exception message : Invalid data type for ''.

main thread ($598):
004dc79f +023 TES5Edit.exe Registry ReadError
004dd511 +069 TES5Edit.exe Registry TRegistry.ReadString
00775097 +0c3 TES5Edit.exe wbHelpers 967 +7 wbIsAssociatedWithExtension
0098ff63 +b3b TES5Edit.exe wbInit 698 +268 wbDoInit
00a8fe4e +01a TES5Edit.exe wbInit 705 +1 initialization
00407102 +042 TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 InitUnits
0040716b +03f TES5Edit.exe System 148 +0 @StartExe
0040be6e +042 TES5Edit.exe SysInit @InitExe
00a8ff5c +00c TES5Edit.exe TES5Edit 70 +0 initialization
77513388 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4ec:
77d21f3f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
77513388 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $d74:
77d21f3f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory
77513388 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk


Hopefully someone can help. I cant do squat until I can use TES5.

This may have something to do with running my registry cleaner from Tweaknow then defragiing it.

But I wil say I run that everytime I uninstall things and never had a problem.

Also when I reistalled everything this time, including steam, tes5, mod programs ect. I reinstalled them to another Drive as everyone suggests.

I run everything in administrator in case you were wondering.


Any help appreciated. I'd like to get more involved with this forum and more involved in helping the S.T.E.P. process along.


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Haven't seen something like that....WOOOH! Seems weird,try reinstalling the programm,deleting its preferences and everything that is left from it and then try installing it again.If there is still error,try checking the system for viruses,defrag the disk,check for disk errors,check for system errors,check for registry errors.

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Thanks bud. But yeah tried all that. Pretty sure its something to do with the registry. I finnaly found the developer for xedit though and Im hoping for a speedy reply.

Ive posted this ALL OVER THE WEB. SO hopefully if anyone ever has this DEVASTATING problem once I find the answer, all these threads will reflect that. This sucks though man! I'm doing a massive DIABLO mod to skyrim andf im so close to being done and now this!!! AHHHH lol

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PROBLEM SOLVED: After hours upon hours of research. It seems I was left with the last resort, re-installing windows/restoring backups. As I braced myself for the tedious process, I decided to actually try messing with the registry. Everything I could find on that subject was either extremely complicated, advice warning against any modifications, use a cleaning software (tried and didn't work, I think it's the cause of the whole issue!). I figure since TES5Edit doesn't have an installer and is just a zip, well it couldn't hurt.

registry editing is a super delicate process and without the proper know how it is very easy to ruin your OS so be sure to backup everything and have restore points ect.

Heres a run down of what I did.

- Open regedit

- Under "Edit" Tab. Go to Find.

- Type in the file name, just the first few letters. tes5

- First entry is highlighted, then Under File,click Export.

- Save a backup ( I put them in a new folder on desktop)

- Under File I click Find Next.

- Next Highlighted Entry shows up

- then File, Export to back up.

- Repeat until you get back to the first file

- Start deleting them all (I had 7 entries). (or delete after each backup is made before clicking find next)

- I then started the program and it worked. I did try to start it in between each delete as well, didnt work.

Although it may have been a combination of entries, deleting them all did the trick. I restarted the computer and was back in business.

Hate to go nuts trying to figure something out. But maybe this could help someone else. Googling this issue got nothing. At its core its not a TES5edit issue, but a registry issue within windows that could come from many different programs or software.

The error;

"Eregistry Error Exception Invalid data type for "____"

I've narrowed it down to this being caused by my registry cleaner program. At least in my case. Even restoring the backups using that program didnt work, neither did system restore. So just deleting them all and allowing the program to rebuild it was the key here.

After doing fresh installs of the game, as well as the mod organizer/nmm and tools, I would use my reg cleaner to clean the registry, Thinking Oh yay how cool saving space blah blah.

After doing that a few times, boom my windows registry is damaged.

Hopefully this will help someone one day. Registry Errors are not fun. I think its better to do them after many many programs installing and uninstalling has taken place (longer intervals) In reality its at most a few megabytes your gaining if you do it often. ::sigh:: Computer cleaniless can only go so far.


Note for moderator: I think I may have double posted this topic, I aplogize and if you would be so kind as to delete said double post, the ForumGods will love you, also I would hate to clutter up these forums!









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I have to revive this - I have the same problem - I moved TES5edit folder in old Skyrim and I didn't delete all files because I didn't remember which one it was and since that I cannot use it anymore - if I download it again another version it doesn't work. I have no idea about regedit and that finder doesn't work for me - nothing highlighted. I really wish they would add this feature - cleaning registry after this program was deleted :sad:.



also I don't know if it is connected,but my CK for old Skyrim seems to be broken also - and it was working for Skyrim SE. So I guess it is really important they would bother with this :(.

Edited by Mudran
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And they locked their comments so I cannot even ask that team directly for this and I'm not a programmer, so I'm not going to have an account at Github just for this.




I tried again after I saw some youtube video and I don't know what I did different this time, but it found some entries. It was enough to delete 1 file and subfolders - tes5edit, and it is working again.

Edited by Mudran
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