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Change magnitude based on a global variable


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So, this puzzle has been bugging me for a while.


Say I have a custom stat in my mod, like dibella statues collected, that I keep track of with a global variable. I want to find a way to use that global variable value to change the magnitude of a perk effect or a spell. But the only way I've found to do this so far is to hard code in "variable =1 > magntidue = 10" "variable = 2 > magnitude = 20" and so on for every possible value of the global variable.


As you can imagine, this is unworkable if you don't know the upper limit of what the variable can be... And frankly it's an enormous pain to define the perk or spell magnitude for every possible variable value.


Has anyone found a better way to approach this?

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The only way i know of making it different than that is making whatever effect the perk is doing though a script, that way you can multiply the global or whatever.

But still making an effect for each value is the most straightforward method, and you can cap ths magnitude if for example the global gets so big that the effect is overpowered, so beyond certain value of the global magnitude wont increase.

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If you're okay with using SKSE and some maintenance:




Use this and set values depending on global. So like... SetNthEffectMagnitude to set a magnitude on an effect in a spell to the value of the global, or 40 more than the global, etc. Much more flexible. Do remember it requires maintenance though (every load game, re set magnitude to whatever it was). See OnPlayerLoadGame page on the CK Wiki for info on how.

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And I take a stab in the dark..

; http://www.creationkit.com/SetNthEffectMagnitude_-_Spell

GlobalVariable Property AmountOfStatues Auto
Spell Property MySpell Auto

Event OnInit()
	If(MySpell != none) ; spell is not null
		int amount = AmountOfStatues.GetValueInt() ; get the value of the global

		If(amount <= 0)
			return ; we have no statues
		ElseIf(amount == 1)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 10.0) ; zero would be the first magic effect on the spell
		ElseIf(amount == 2)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 20.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 3)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 30.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 4)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 40.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 5)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 50.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 6)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 60.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 7)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 70.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 8)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 80.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 9)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 90.0)
		ElseIf(amount == 10)
			MySpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, 100.0)
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Thanks for the link, but I already knew about Skse's ability to change magnitude... i guess I should edit my post to say "maintainence free and without skse". I'm trying to create a lightweight mod, because all my mods so far have been pretty script heavy. I'm hoping there's a trick to this I just haven't discovered yet....


EDIT: Thanks for the script example. FYI it could be improved by doing setnthmagnitude( 0, value * 10 ) instead of having so many if statements.

Edited by steelfeathers
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Don't put so much in the OnInit though. The OnInit can usually only handle a few functions or it will just miss the rest. You should RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) or 1.0 or something and OnUpdate do all the required work.

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Okay, this might be a dumb suggestion... But here goes... Couldn't you just have your global variable function as a multiplier? What I mean is, for example:


GlobalVariable MagnitudeTracker Auto

Function MagnitudeAdjuster (Spell SpellToAdjust)

    int numEffects = SpellToAdjust.GetNumEffects()
    int effectCount = 0

    while (effectCount < numEffects)
        ; This would be for a 20% increase per level of the tracking variable
        if (MagnitudeTracker = 1)
            SpellToAdjust.SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (SpellToAdjust.GetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount) * 1.20))
        elseif (MagnitudeTracker = 2)
            SpellToAdjust.SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (SpellToAdjust.GetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount) * 1.40))
        elseif (MagnitudeTracker = 3)
            SpellToAdjust.SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (SpellToAdjust.GetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount) * 1.60))
        elseif (MagnitudeTracker = 4)
            SpellToAdjust.SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (SpellToAdjust.GetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount) * 1.80))
        elseif (MagnitudeTracker = 5)
            SpellToAdjust.SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (SpellToAdjust.GetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount) * 2.0))
            SpellToAdjust.SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (SpellToAdjust.GetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount) * 1.0))


Now, that's just off the top of my head. Now, you may have to have an additional global variable to keep track of what previous value of the global variable was. So for example, if for some reason you needed to reset it, you could take the multiplied value back to the original value. I'm sure there are some other considerations I'm not thinking of at this point. But, at least this is a jumping-off point...

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He doesn't want to use SKSE or maintenance functions though. So SetNthEffectMagnitude is no-no.


I don't think there's another way to do it than conditions and SetNthEffectMagnitude, steel.

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The only other way I can think of doing it would be to create multiple MagicEffects for each spell you want to alter the magnitude of and then check against the GlobalVariable in the MagicEffect conditions of the Spell object... Now, that would be light on scripting and no SKSE, but it's alot more work on the front end... Just a thought...

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