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Aela died and can't start totem quest!


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So I found out that aela died since she was my follower until one day she stopped following me.

I used the following console command:


prid 0001A697
moveto player​


Then there she was lying on my feet. So I resurrected her using 'resurrect' on console command, and continue to use her as a follower.

One day I wanted to do the companions' work and noticed there's no dialog concerning quests while talking to Aela, while there are for Farkas and Vilkas.


So I tried starting the quest for the totems using the following:


sqs cr12 (to check whatsup with the quest, and objective 0 and objective 1 have values of 1, so I reset)

resetquest cr12

setquest cr12 10

setquest cr12 20


The above commands (setquest) did not affect anything.

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Unless this is some kind of glitch, I assume that you are using a mod that allows essential NPCs to die. There's probably a workaround, but you really should get rid of that mod, as you are obviously not using it for roleplaying purposes.


That said, try using 'recycleactor' on her through the console. It might work, but it also might make her think you are at the very beginning of the Companions story line. Worth a try though, I guess.

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