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Activate parent in a script crashes game, and custom sound doesn't play?


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Hey all,


I'm currently trying to set up a script for an elevator, and didn't have much success using a timer within the script to delay the activation of the door. As a result I resorted to using an activate parent. I have set it up so that the script applies an imagespace modifier and plays the sounds etc when a control panel is pressed. I also made this control panel the activate parent of a door, and 'Activate' is called on the control panel in the script, which should activate the door. I have just figured out though that using an activate parent through a script seems to crash the game?


I also ran into another problem, although a solution for this isn't as urgent. I made a custom sound to go along with delay caused by the elevator, and made a new sound effect for it. However when I called the sound in a script using 'PlaySound' no sound was played. I used a .wav the same as the default game sounds, but maybe I missed some extra info when I exported from Audacity?


If anyone knows how to solve either one of these issues, it would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, BayK.

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