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Tale of Two Wastelands Companion


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Hello everyone, This is my first real post but I've been using the nexus for years now and got what I think to be a interesting idea for a mod.


I have been playing TTW for a while now I completed a full run through once before but have started another one using some of the mods that have been converted to F:NV from F3 and one mod that I am using got me thinking. The mod is ties that bind I'm sure that most of you have probably heard of it but for the people who haven't heard of it, Its a mod that adds a sister to the main character that will follow you as a companion while playing through F3. At least that's basic jest of the mod. The cool part about the mod however is the fact that she comments on quest and interact with the main character though out the story of F3.


What I was thinking is why has no one made a companion similar in nature to ties that bind but have it that the companion is with you though all of F3 and F:NV using TTW, constantly commenting of thing in both games and interacting with the world and npcs. Now I know some people will say well theirs nothing stopping you from just taking the character from TTB with you to F:NV and they'd be right. I could just take her with but she wouldn't talk about the things going on or interact with anyone during the story of New Vegas.


I also know that some thing like what I'm asking for would be a lot of work and with fallout 4 right around the corner a lot of people wouldn't want to start a project this large. But I got the idea while playing and figured I'd put it out there.


I should also note that I would be willing to help out however I could while I'm not good with the geck and scripting I could help in character development and I would be willing to do all the voice acting for the companion.


That's all I had to say I hope that at lest some of you will like this Idea and thank you for reading.


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Sure, I can understand wanting to extend the sister/companion's (from ties that bind) "situational awareness" to NV, however nexus probably isn't the place to do it. I don't think TTW is supported/allowed. I made some mods for TTW when it was still hosted on nexus and they'v been removed. I'm sure there are some that escaped notice, but in general I believe TTW is against nexus policy, allhough it would be great if a moderator chimed in just to be sure.


You could contact the author of ties that bind and see if s/he will continue the mod in NV or allow permission for a individual or team to do so. TTW has it's own site where a project like this could be hosted.

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Thanks for the suggestion I'll look in to posting something there too. I just thought that since I have seen some TTW mods on the nexus that this would be a good place to start.


Also what I was talking about ( And sorry that I didn't do a good job say it) was making a completely new mod based of the idea of having a companion form start to finish.

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Thanks for the suggestion I'll look in to posting something there too. I just thought that since I have seen some TTW mods on the nexus that this would be a good place to start.

Cool, maybe I'll see you over there, it's been forever since I'v checked out the site. If so maybe I can lend a hand.

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