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[LE] Adding Fate/Stay Night Characters?


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I'll be brief, so I'll just get to the point. I'd love to see some Fate characters be added into skyrim, whether it be armor or VA followers. I know it's easier said than done, but I think it would be a great addition to the anime mods collection on the Nexus. I mean we already have Nine Lives and UBW, including numerous Saber and fate weapons mods out there, so it probably won't be too difficult besides the armor creations. Or an even better idea, integrating the Grail War into skyrim itself, now that would be awesome.


I was tempted to try and do it myself, but I have like no experience at all in mod creating and am still considered an 'average' in modding. I might try to do so someday, if no one does make anything else, but for now, I'll just make a request.


Even if nothing new happens, I'll leave this up for a future reference in case I do decide to try my hand at it.


Rejoice! For we may get what we have longed wished for!



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Priest your idea (The Idea of a Holy Grail War in Skyrim is yes, just so much yes) but there's a Fate/Zero Companion http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22452/? It's impressive but I kinda wish they made it with better textures because I mean HD Textures on Lancelot and Arondight? I'll donate that. But what I would want to see is me some good ol Heracles charging at my enemies and beat them to death with his almighty rock of doom. I second this nutty priest's idea. Also Lancer has to die some sad pathetic death. Being Lancer is Suffering

Edited by Exoba1337
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  • 7 years later...

Up vote this. A big time Fate/ fan, I'd like to see at least a complete roster of FSN servants.. we already have at least 3 variants of Saber(Artoria), and Rider(Medusa). We just need archer(Emiya), Lancer(Cu Cullain), Caster(Medea), Assassin(Hasan), and Berserker(Hercules).


Most of the weapons & magics are available, so this is doable.

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