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Suggestion: Hide/Ignore Specific Mods


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Basically, this suggestion means better organization for users. It would allow anyone to hide specific mods from their searches and suggestions on the Nexus, essentially removing it from the site for them.


It could be achieved with a simple "Hide" or "Ignore" button on each mod's page. The data would be stored in the user's account rather than browser cookies, so hidden mods would be permanently hidden as long as users are logged into their accounts.


Hidden/ignored mods would be visible in their own "Hidden" or "Ignored" category, so users can reverse the action at any time. Otherwise, hidden mods would be practically invisible on the rest of the site.


Why do I think this is necessary? Three reasons:


1. I see the same mods suggested over and over again, even though I never want to install them.


2. Occasionally I test a promising mod, only to find that it's too flawed to use and never going to be updated again. Naturally, I uninstall it and move on. Fast forward a few months, when I'm looking for mods once again; I find the same mod and the process repeats itself. I can't be the only one who does this, so an ignore feature would be most useful for those of us with quality standards about what they put into their games.


3. It would allow users to discover mods more quickly and thoroughly. Rather than sift through the same things when browsing the site, users can hide the mods they've already seen and make the browsing process more efficient.

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