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Here's the code for working out MP, see if you can get it:


$today = time();
$diff = $today - $poster['joined'];
$exp = round($diff  / 86400,0);

$maxmp= ($exp * $level) / 5;
$mp= $poster['posts'] / 3;

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All divisions excluded, it looks as if the current MP is your postcount and the Max MP is the time elapsed since you've joined the forums multiplied by your current level, which is (Correct me if I'm wrong) the cube of your current postcount's log-10.


So then the two equations would be...


Current MP = Postcount / 3


Maximum MP = ( ( ( Current Time - Time at which you Joined the Forums ) / 84 600 ) ( Log-10 ( Postcount ) ) ³ ) / 5


...Where ( ( Current Time - Time at which you Joined the Forums ) / 84 600 ) would be rounded to the nearest integer. Now where's my cookie?

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IMO there are quite a few posts on these forums that fall under the pinned definition of spam that are not treated as such. Very moderate moderators we have and not necessarily a bad thing, as the reverse can get nasty. However if average posts per day is going to count, they might need to be just a little harder. Or perhaps you can have non-scoring posts?


But that's probably too subjective an issue to work.


Interesting to see what will happen. And I sympathise with HeLLL going away for two weeks!

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Yes, the SPAM count seems to have gone up significantly :ranting:



However, since deleting of posts now carries a punitive element, perhaps the spammers will soon learn that there's absolutely no point in posting OT remarks or one-liners which are only distantly (if at all) related to the topic....



So basically.....if anyone posts simply to boost their stats it may well have the opposite effect. :halloween:




Malchik, if you want to point out some of the SPAM you've noticed in a PM I'll have a look at it :)

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