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Papyrus Script Error " (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'native' "


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Just wondering if anybody could help me with my script. I'm trying to make a boat rotate when its steering wheel is activated. I've had a few errors and managed to get rid of most of them but can't seem to get rid of this last pesky error.

The error is (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'native'

If you could explain what the error means then this would also be greatly appreciated for next time.

My current code is as follows:


Scriptname BoatRight extends ObjectReference
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Debug.MessageBox("Turn Right")
ThisObject.TranslateTo(ThisObject.GetPositionX, ThisObject.GetPositionY,ThisObject.GetPositionZ,ThisObject.GetAngleX + 10, ThisObject.GetAngleY, ThisObject.GetAngleZ, 100.0, 0.0) native
Thanks in advance,
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Few probs I see there.


GetPosition needs parenthesis.

eg: GetPositionX(), GetPositionY(), GetPositionZ()


Also there is no ThisObject declared in your script.


If your wanting to check the object the script is attached to then use Self.


Scriptname BoatRight extends ObjectReference  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Debug.MessageBox("Turn Right")
Self.TranslateTo(Self.GetPositionX(), Self.GetPositionY(), Self.GetPositionZ(), Self.GetAngleX() + 10, Self.GetAngleY(), Self.GetAngleZ(), 100.0, 0.0)




You can even omit self altogether and just use the function and it will treat it as self.


Scriptname BoatRight extends ObjectReference  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Debug.MessageBox("Turn Right")
TranslateTo(GetPositionX(), GetPositionY(),GetPositionZ(),GetAngleX() + 10, GetAngleY(), GetAngleZ(), 100.0, 0.0)
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