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Fallout 4 Dadmode


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Howdy all you wonderful mod geniuses out there,



I'm a dabbling modder, but never published. I want to help make a bigger one.



For my sanity, I need to play Fallout 4 for hours and hours. The problem is, I'm old as balls and have kids, and am going to have to play with them present. I accept it's going to be a hard thing to get around profanity and other content-- well, I can change languages, or if it's mild teach my kids it's not that big of a deal.


The blood and gore is going to be a big problem, though. I have a vision aging gamers: dadmode / mommode / parentmode.

Now I'm sure naturally there's going to be mods out there that can soften some of the sharp edges so my five year old doesn't get nightmares, e.g. something that just swaps models of scary monsters / sweet-looking pissed-off animals with a robot or something.


What will be impossible to avoid is explosive blood and gore. I mean, I could probably turn on a bloodless German edition but that's not what I have in mind. I want all the blood spatter and spray be replaced by something equally fun and morbidly funny. For example, what about making people explode into coins or bunnies, pop like a balloon, pee their pants and start crying, or something like that?


If there is someone who could be passionate about such a project and can deliver on their artistic vision, I'd like to help underwrite the project, and manage additional help if need be. Hopefully it won't be thousands of dollars, but let's talk it out and figure out what would be needed to make it work. I don't want to try to spearhead this all on my own. Though I have experience managing developers, I'm looking for interested people already established in the mod community who have a good idea of what it takes.


Anyone, please post your thoughts. Thanks!


tl;dr: Let's make a hilarious low-violence mod for Fallout 4 and I can provide administrative and financial help / incentive.

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Djbell, I am a bit older and my kids were well into Nintendo before I ever explored PC games. They had heard it all. There is no way to shelter kids from this. Whether they pick up a nightmare from the nightly news or from something on the playground, we all use dreams to help us unconsciously sort through the madness we are facing in everyday life. As strange as it may sound, the five-year-old may take a shine to marauding ghouls. I remember when my youngest five-year-old daughter begged me to take her to Aliens vs Preditors.


If you put on headphones the naughty F-word language of FO4 will be inaudible. There might even be a non-gore switch like is required in the German version of these games. Within a year, there will probably be cute underage characters from Japanese modders that kids or unique adults might enjoy playing with. They might even have gentle smiling versions of the Death Claws - Godzillawaifus or something like that,

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  • 3 weeks later...

Once the GECK comes out, a lot of complex changes like that could be made. While I have no use for a dadmode personally, I do have a friend who really can't deal with insects - so swapping out just radscorpions and radroaches with something functional and entertaining would be helpful for those outside of parenthood. It'd be like party mode in team fortress, with the confetti and balloons, and the party is "sorry about your phobia"

Edited by Pthalo
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Forgive me if I'm missing something but games are rated similarly to movies, would you let your kids watch an adult rated movie?

Theres the they'll-watch-it-anyway argument and the I-don't-want-to-deprive-my-kids argument but really isn't this the preregotive of a parent to put their foot down and say "no!"?

Yeah they'll probably watch those movies/play that game elsewhere but at least they'll know they're doing something they shouldn't otherwise they'll grow up simply having no inkling that there is anything wrong with any of those things.

It is to your credit that you're taking an interest or are concerned because its fairly obvious that the majority of parents have no idea what their kids get up to online judging by the immature comments that are awash on these forums the majority of downloaders of adult only mods for popular games are underage I'll wager, not that your kids are of an age to be interested in sexual content yet but one day they will be.

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djbell, may I make a suggestion as an older gamer myself? Instead of 'hiding' from this kind of thing, talk to your children. You don't mention age, but you'd be shocked by how young children are exposed to violence today. There's no hiding it in our society, if they don't see it on the news, video games, tv, movies, or internet... what are you doing, locking them in their rooms? Now a frank and honest discussion about violence, video games, the difference between real and pretend, and gun saftey and usage can go a long long way.


I highly recommend



Because the fact is you can't mod life.

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Thanks for your replies. Though I don't have any specific comments about parenting philosophy, I appreciate the comments and food for thought. They're girls, 5 and 9 and we love getting in a hug pile and playing immersive games together. They love building an exploration games, and Fallout 4 is such a sweet spot in so many ways. They know the violence is pretend, though I do get the occasional question from the little one: "Hey daddy are molerats real?" Yes but not like these, kiddo...


Love the idea of a pacifist mode if they could balance it reasonably but right now even a maxed Charisma character is useless. I played a character on Survival with level 2 Black Widow, 9 luck and 9 charisma. I failed a ton of yellow speech checks (wtf), rage quit and am back to shooting people between the balls.


My daugters' limits at the moment are exploding faces and blood geysers (indeed the very NOT realistic gross-out violence); they love the game but just don't like the chunks, which makes it hard to enjoy it with them. And at this point I've already clocked enough hours to have my fill of it too-- I tab out of most kill animations already anyway. Unfortunately the Fallout 3 and New Vegas INI edits for gore don't seem to work here. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and will report back if I get it to work.


Ideally I'd love to see gore replaced with gooification and/or an excessively huge fortune finder kill animation. I feel like it's inevitable someone is going to make something like this, because there are so many kill animations in the game already-- I guess I'll just wait and see what the community makes and try to support the good ones.

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I'm not sure if it works or not, but there is a 'bDisableAllGore=0" in the .ini. Maybe just try setting that to 1? It's worth a shot.


There is also 'bBloodSplatterEnabled=1', which I assume can be turned off by setting it to 0 and that should keep the blood off your camera.

Edited by Justy311
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