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[LE] How to get animation event names for use in Papyrus?


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  • 2 months later...

Okay, so there is a huge list of Anim Events in a dropdown menu. Just like sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE said. In the


toolbar > Gameplay > Animations > Actors\Character\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx


The I just picked one under it, and opened the dropdown menu approximately in the middle of the all the other options. The names were relatively self-explanatory, as well. I managed to find the following ones in it:

  • reload
  • ReloadFast
  • reloadStart
  • reloadStop

I think, cannot remember exactly. For some reason, when I register for the event upon opening a menu, the one that is registered after that (when the player closes menu and the reloading animation plays) is the "reload" one. I tried "reloadStart", but it did not work. Strange. But at least the animation stops now, as intended. Sending "reloadStop" makes it end upon start.


I will see if I can make it better somehow. At least there is now an optional way to prevent the animation from playing completely. Which is disabled by default. Thank you all for your time. Now my projects are seeing some progress again. :smile:

In case you still needed an answer


Event OnInit()

RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer() "weaponFire")

RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "reloadComplete")



Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)

If (akSource == Game.GetPlayer() && asEventName == "weaponFire")


ElseIf (akSource == Game.GetPlayer() && asEventName == "reloadComplete")




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Like I said you just preview the item in the CK ... the animations names are right there ...


if they are in the far left box they are gamebro animations



If they are on the far right they are normal animations


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Thank you, although I did and still do know how working with animation events works. I was just curious as to how to get a list of animation events, and the answer was also given a while ago (the lists in the Creation Kit). The project has been completed for quite some time now, too, and has been up on the Nexus for over a year. When all the tools are released, I will migrate it over to the Special Edition.


Also, for example, if player enters the inventory menu, unequips and re-equips bolts, then exits, the reloadStart, reload and other events need to be checked (not all of them fire every time, it seems to depend on the conditions under which the reloading happens). Other than that, the firing-related events work for when player actually fires the crossbow.


Thank you everyone, I think I forgot to say that. If someone reads this, check the Creation Kit animations list. There are dropdowns that list the events when navigating to the actual items in the animation tree. After that, checking which events work and when they work is the next step. :)


Creation Kit -> ( menu bar ) -> Gameplay -> Animations -> Actors\Character\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx

Edited by Contrathetix
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