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Hardcore Mode/ Eat, Sleep, Drink mod.


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Won't even buy the game until a proper needs mod is released. It was one of the best features in NV and it's disheartening to see how while the weapons and equipment customization got *super* developed (and I am looking forward to those), the survival aspect went straight off the window. Purely decorative nights and food, all the while being able to build stupid prefab houses for our Tamagotchi e-village. *Sigh*.


Seriously. Won't even consider getting the game, same as I'd refuse to buy Skyrim before Frostfall and RND in hindsight.

Edited by Sicksadworld
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+1 bump, because "Survival" mode doesn't seem much like it without, you know, the survival parts.

  • Power armor overkill lol
  • Never hungry, food is for healing
  • Never thirsty, water is for healing
  • Never tired, sleep is for exp buffs
  • No damage output, bullet sponge enemies
  • No damage input, bullet sponge player
  • Oh look, it's Call of Fallout
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I think this'd be a great mod, because there is already a mod for less container spawns, so this combined with other mods could make an ultimate survival experience, provided that we have a mod that adds those values.

You're smart. I should've waited. If I had known that Fallout 4 is actually "Borderlands 3" I would NOT have bought it, at least until a Needs mod was made.

Fallout 4 is the most dumbed-down RPG I've played...ever.

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You're smart. I should've waited. If I had known that Fallout 4 is actually "Borderlands 3" I would NOT have bought it, at least until a Needs mod was made.

Fallout 4 is the most dumbed-down RPG I've played...ever.


It can be quite entertaining if you treat it like many of the devs did; a settlement-building and management game with some RPG elements.


Can still be challenging with the right mods.

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You're smart. I should've waited. If I had known that Fallout 4 is actually "Borderlands 3" I would NOT have bought it, at least until a Needs mod was made.

Fallout 4 is the most dumbed-down RPG I've played...ever.


It can be quite entertaining if you treat it like many of the devs did; a settlement-building and management game with some RPG elements.


Can still be challenging with the right mods.


I was expecting a RPG, not a FPS so I'm disappointed. I don't want to play a FPS with Fallout gift-wrap. If I wanted that I'd just play Borderlands or Stalker.


After mods come out that fix FO4 and make it a RPG I'll replay.


I got through the main story stopping in the middle of every battle to scarf down snack cakes and water to bring my health back up and now that I know what happened I no longer feel like playing.

Uggh what a dissapointment.

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