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Melee Weapons, Bows/Crossbows, & Animation Overhaul


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I would like to request a mod that includes more variety in melee weapons. Currently, I have seen about a selection of less than 15 base melee weapons. I'd like them to add something along the lines of swords in general broadsword/katana/claymore/shamshir, etc; and spears(actually stabbing animation and not just a pool cue with a knife mod attached to it).

Also, I know it would be impractical, but a mod that includes bows/composite/double limb/penobscot and crossbows. I know this game was heavily modified from the Skyrim engine but I'm hoping that modders would be able to port the animations over from Skyrim or have an easier time making the animations for it.

So for animations, holstering weapons in third person and actually allowing them to appear on your persons would be awesome. Also, the third person melee animations are kind of lacking in third person. Just the regular melee and not the execution attacks. Those are awesome. I'd like the melee animations to look and feel more impactful if that's even possible.

But yeah, that's all of my silly requests. Thank you to all the modders out there and for all the hard work that you guys do to fix the games Lazythesda puts out to us.

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Is there not a katana in the game? Someone should make that. There definitely needs to be. There are even katana's in the image for the "Ninja" perk.

Edited by neonie
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Is there not a katana in the game? Someone should make that. There definitely needs to be. There are even katana's in the image for the "Ninja" perk.

Yeah, I'm level thirty and I haven't found one yet and I already checked the secret dev area for it. So far, there's Chinese Officer Sword, Revolutionary Sword, and the Shishkebab. The Shishkebab actually looks like a katana though.

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