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Right-handed Hunting Rifle + Animations


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Maybe you didn't really notice, but being a firearm owner and someone who knows them literally inside out, it became quickly apparent that the Hunting Rifles in Fallout 4 have left-handed bolt actions, being fired by a right-handed shooter. And the animations show the shooter reloading with the left hand, this is a real world no-no as it is nearly physically impossible to hold a large rifle like that only by its grip [the weight of the rifle is too heavy, the front would tip down due to gravity.]


If someone could rectify this, maybe Millenia? [that dude sure knows his guns], that would be sweet, cause it looks really stupid in game. My 2c.



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Yeah it's really silly and just does not make sense. I also mentioned this exact issue, it pains me to hear that it won't be an easy fix which means it will take longer to get a mod for it. This and ammo types really bugged me (like .45 round, which is it .45acp or 45 LC?), it's an actual step back from the previous titles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally... it seems that all the nerds out there playing this game just don't get what firearms are and how they are used.

When someone point out "hey what the hell ... left handed bolt action used by right handed??? It's a war between left handed ppl and right handed!" it seems to me they never actually fired a bold action or a rifle in general.


Go to youtube a look for a guy which is left handed and tries to use a standard bolt action: HE CAN'T.

Why? It's not about the "war" between hands, it's about firing position.

A well trained soldier of the WWI is a soldier who actually can quick fire a bolt action without losing much of accuracy.

In order to do that, you don't have take out from your elbow (like in the game) the gun to action the bolt.

Specifically the bolt must be light to maneuver and quick to arm (for example, you can't quick fire the Carcano 1891 because the bolt is heavy to action... unlike the Swiss equivalent or the Mauser or the Lee Enfield), the secondary hand must hold the rifle in order to have the sights aligned and the primary hand must be free to move from the trigger to the bolt in a matter of a second.


In the game you see a war veteran (I use the male char) having hard time using the bolt action ... he's very quick to put it into position in his elbow but every single shot to expell the fired ammunition he has to take it out and use the left hand.

Clearly in this case a right handed can use a rifle like this only if prone and the gun is on a support: this happens usually if you're a sniper (and in the game there is no actually prone or cover or stand support or whatsoever).


The revolvers are puzzling me as well. The 44 revolver is something of a mistery to me: why in the world you have to arm the trigger pulling back the hammer like an old Colt Navy revolver???

Edited by GrafSchmidt
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I'm by no means a firearms expert and even I noticed the mistake with the Hunting Rifle. Though I did have to go check pictures of real life equivalents to make sure I was right. ^^ How Bethesda allowed this to get into the game is beyond me...


Yeah this game is kind of a nightmare for gun nuts. I like that the .50 cal hunting rifle has the same barrel and receiver as the 308 one and can be silenced.


Like I said, no expert, but I read someone somewhere say they suspected that by .50 cal it actually means something called a .50 Beowulf? But yeah, not an expert...


Also.. Does it bother anyone else that the .44 Revolver is single-action? I understand that the Pipe Revolver probably would be, it's home-made... But the other one should be double-action, no?

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I'm by no means a firearms expert and even I noticed the mistake with the Hunting Rifle. Though I did have to go check pictures of real life equivalents to make sure I was right. ^^ How Bethesda allowed this to get into the game is beyond me...


Yeah this game is kind of a nightmare for gun nuts. I like that the .50 cal hunting rifle has the same barrel and receiver as the 308 one and can be silenced.


Like I said, no expert, but I read someone somewhere say they suspected that by .50 cal it actually means something called a .50 Beowulf? But yeah, not an expert...


Also.. Does it bother anyone else that the .44 Revolver is single-action? I understand that the Pipe Revolver probably would be, it's home-made... But the other one should be double-action, no?


As I said, single action revolvers like the Colt Navy in 2077 is an outdated design.

If you arm the hammer with that .44 (looks like 38 special to me though) it's because you like cowboy style, but nothing more.


In my opinion Bethesda is largerly trolling us.

In F3 they put a bolt-action hunting rifle that actually expelled exhausted shot to the right. I can't see why in the Commonwealth should be on the left (one reason could be there are more left handed people in the army, but still doesn't make sense to see only left models and absolutely no right).

Edited by GrafSchmidt
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It would have been awesome if they had added firing modes to certain weapons. Then you could have changed between arming the hammer to take a more precise shot, or just pulling away at the trigger to quickly fire off multiple rounds with a slight decrease in accuracy. It would make the auto/semi-auto recievers a little moot, but it would have been far more realistic.


But let's not derail this thread.. Someone please fix the Hunting Rifle! :D

Edited by HamPstOr
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