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What helped me was Sweetfx. Before Sweetfx I got massive headache everytime I played. Sweetfx seems to make background sharper, which helped me. Now I dont need to take painkillers to keep playing lol, but most of my time I still play in third person watching horizon. To me key is to watch something that doesn't move, like horizon.


So yeah, Sweetfx helped me. I used that guide to install Sweetfx, using same settings as shown in guide. "TAA + Sharpening" "LUMASHARPEN - SweetFX" - http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout4_1.html

There seems to be now mod that installs it also. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/40/?

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http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12797/? -- this mod removes the camera swaying when walking... among other things.


I was waiting for the Creation Kit, but from tinkering with it so far, and going by this mod just being animation files, it seems like the bobbing is entirely embedded into the animations for walking forward. I don't know if the Creation Kit allows you to edit animation files, or if you still have to convert them to another format to change stuff, then convert them back...


Would someone who has any experience with editing animation files please look into this for us? You would make so many people happy--you would be a hero!


(Also, sorry for resurrecting this thread instead of starting a new one, if there are rules about that. It's one of the first hits on Google so it seemed wiser to keep the conversation going here...)

Edited by LordZheep
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Oh wow, this shows great promise! I literally shelved Fallout 4 because of the head bobbing, especially in power armor. Simply could not play the game any longer. I'm going to give this mod a try.


Don't worry about resurrecting it, because I've been checking back here from google searches every month.


Having to wait 6+ months to play a Bethesda game now is really a bummer, but I'm so grateful to modders.


Thanks for keeping us updated, LordZheep!

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