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Essential Visual Ehancements (EVE) mod will not recognize DLC


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So I am trying to get the Essential Visual Enhancements mod to work (which has worked for me before), yet when I try to install it using the Nexus Mod Manager it will only give me the "No DLC" option saying that if I am missing any one of the main DLC packs (i.e. Dead Money, Honest Hearts, etc.) that I will therefore be unable to install the "EVE - All DLC" version. I think I have determined that the DLC pack that is not being detected by EVE is Dead Money, but I have yet to find any sort of solution to get it to recognize it including deleting and reinstalling the Dead Money files and reinstalling the whole game. This determination is just a best guess as I made this assumption based on what occurred within steam as I "turned off" each individual DLC pack and then reinstalled them. Dead Money was the only one that did not behave like the others in that it never downloaded anything after being uninstalled and reinstalled. The strange thing is that within New Vegas itself, both in the launcher and in game, Dead Money is among the list of installed DLC content... I am completely at a loss at this point and I would certainly prefer being able to use the EVE mod with all of the DLC. One last thing is that whenever I have tried to verify the game cache, I always get 1 file not validating to which it will be reacquired. Upon verifying the cache again it will still say that there is 1 file that did not validate.

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  • 3 years later...

First of all, check the date of the previous post (2015). You don't want NMM version 0.60.16 as it has long been superseded, and the last server that used it's API has been shutdown. So, at a minimum if you want to use NMM you need to upgrade to the community maintained v0.70.x, available here. There are a number web articles on how to install it manually, including this one on their wiki.


You might consider other "mod manager" options listed under the 'Mod Managers' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


I recommend anyone read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to play a modded FNV or it's been more than a year since you last did so.


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