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Ideas for the Dev-Console


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Ideas for the Console

Hey there.

First off, I'm not a Forum guy. If this is the wrong place I'm sorry. Wanted a place to gather some ideas and help for the Console.


Yeah. So I was thinking that modifying a weapon to be legendary could be easier. To me it seemed that " . " is the operator that connects two statements. Not sure if it is right or not. So I thought let's try getplayergrabbedref.amod [ModID]; . Obviously it didn't work. So i know that getplayergrabbedref returns a value and I was hoping to save it in an external file using scof "svref.txt". Didn't work either. So is there a way to save the return value in a String, that i can use instead? If so that would make a lot of stuff easier.


Anyways. Just one of my weird Ideas. Maybe someone knows a bit more about console and can help me out. Or maybe this Idea helps someone out.

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