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Settler Names and Outfits


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Okay, so as the title suggests, I want to be able to give settlers at the various different settlements names. I would also like it if they would actually put on different items of clothing that I give them. At the moment they don't and I find it really annoying. Especially when I assign a settler to a guard post and give him/her a decent suit of armor to wear and he/she just stays at their post wearing jeans and a shirt.


My suggestion for how to implement this would be to make it so you have dialogue options when you try to speak to them. Perhaps one can say, "I think I'll call you ......" Choose this option to bring up an option to write in a name other than, "Settler". For the clothing you could maybe have the dialogue option of, "Here, I found some attire that would be suitable to your job with us."


What would make it even cooler is if they would wear whatever you give them when they are either fighting or engaging in whatever task you assigned them but would then return to their original outfit when not doing their assigned activity.


What do you think?

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