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Pip-boy UI alterations


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Suggestions for improvement.


1. Use menu hot keys while in pip-boy and number keys to select which tab you want. Example: You're in inventory/weapons you want to check your ammo, just press 7 an dyou're there.


2. More catagories in inventry. Divide weapons into firearms, melee, and explosives. Separate normal armor and power armor compnents. Pull games out of misc into its own major category and split the rest into info (letters and non-game holotapes), and other (keys, mags, etc.). Both junk, ammo, and mods seem alright as is, but aid needs serious help. I'd suggest seperating it into healing [still called aid] for things like stimpacks, rad-away, cooked food (it gives no rads) and maybe rad-x and med-x, chems (anything you can get addicted to, so alcohol too), and other food/ingredients (you know the stuff that gives you rads if you eat it).


3. A proper numerical value for your current rads. The meter on the pip-boy looks cool, but I want hard numbers not an approximation. You get your exact health already, so why not your exact radiation as well?


4. Under Data, list complete misc. quests, even the repeatable ones.


5. Change scrolling in the perks menu. Seriously just let us use the scroll wheel/scroll bar, or grab and drag it like the map. Probably the former to prevent the annyance for accidently select an unwanted perk.


No doubt there are others, and it will proably be a while before the tools to do this are avvailable. When they are I hope to see these or even better changes.

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