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Automatic magazine racks


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In the game you collect all these magazines and comics and in Fallout 4 they have really sharp covers on them. I recently saw a picture where someone had displayed them on the magazine shelves that you can build. Has anyone tried to do it though? it is such a pain. The comics are so fiddley to get on the shelves so that they stay there and don't either fall off or knock other magazines off that you have already placed on the shelves.


Can someone make a magazine rack that opens like a container and any magazine you put in its inventory will just place itself correctly that the magazines could be on display. It would also be good if anything you put in it is displayed in the order within the list so that you get all the magazine sets group together.


I know, it is a bit of an OCD request but it is annoying the hell out of me trying to get the magazines to sit correctly.

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