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Console Command to Make Player/NPC Do Animation?


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Fellow F4ers!


I'm trying to get the NPCs or player character start/play specific animations so I can do a screenshot / video capture series.


Do you know how to make this with console? Is there a command to make a character smoke / crouch / shoot etc with a command?


All help will be appriciated and given credit in the final project! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dunno if you're still looking for this, but here you go. Quoting myself because I'm lazy


Not sure if the right thread, but nyeh, whatever :ermm:


Also not sure if this is known, and I'm just very slow.


I found that neat little command which could be useful for screenshot lovers, that allows to set facial animation "mood range". Meaning, one set will roll sad animations, one happy animations, depressed, sarcastic, and so on and so forth. Animations stay through playing idles, at least for a while. Command works on player and npc's, also during dialogue.


changeanimarchetype (caa for short)


Use it in conjunction with archetype keyword i.e. animfacearchetypesad will change facial animations to those in "sad" range.

To find the right keywords type in the console: help archetype 0. Lines with KYWD in front, and starting with animarchetype should work.



To change facial expression choose an actor, use caa followed by animfacearchetypesad, animfacearchetypeangry, animfacearchetypesurprised, etc.


And you can make an actor play an idle by using playidle followed by an idle name. To find idles search in the console: help idle 0. There will be a bunch of stuff, including creature idles, and not all idles are going to work, but all in all it's pretty decent. At least until we get proper pose/anim packs when geck is released.


Should look kind of like this: playidle idleclapping

Of course, remember to choose an actor.

Edited by zumika
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