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Saving an entire structure and contents for further use / duplication


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If you played the game and like to make settlements, you realized you can displace a WHOLE building you made by keeping E pressed (you'll move everything).
My request would be to be able to save that whole building so it can be repeated later.


  • Press E to select the whole thing
  • Press 'new assigned key' to save the whole layout
  • Set a name
  • Cancel displacement of the whole building
  • New category in the root of construction mode 'Saved layouts'
  • Material cost = sum of the whole thing

Would it be possible ?


Thank you.

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  • 4 months later...

Here's a video of a building i made to show how it can be moved around (no mods necessary)

(first part is speed x 32 so watch your eyes)



Video directly to the moving part, normal speed




I want to be able to save that selection for further use / replication.

Might be necessary to also save what it is grabbed by as is (the floor being the best to grab or it'll be a pain in the butt to place it).

Can someone do that ?

Edited by Aikinoodles
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  • 5 months later...

That sounds like a lot of really complex scripting and I wouldn't be surprised if even F4SE doesn't yet have all the functions needed to do this. I myself get tired of building the same structures in each settlement and then repeating again on new characters. What I plan to do is learn to make my own prefabs in the CK. You might consider that too.

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What I plan to do is learn to make my own prefabs in the CK. You might consider that too.

I'm not exactly aware of the recent changes, how easy is the CK you're talking about ? You can build a prefab with tons of stuff already in it ? Really easy to use ?

Edited by Aikinoodles
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  • 6 months later...

You're in luck, someone figured out how to script a system like this. Sim Settlements: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21872


If you want to make your own designs vs using that mod authors designs, there's also a builder's toolkit out. The tutorials are specifically written for people who've never made mods to learn how to use the tools and make your own prefabs with decorations and everything. Sim Settlements Builder's Toolkit: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22808/. I'm one of the moderators for the Discord channel for Sim Settlements, if you want to make your own building designs, you can post in the comments in the builder's toolkit and get invited to Discord.


I ran into a stumbling block of my own when I started looking into making prefabs which is that they require navcuts that can only be done using a version of 3ds Max that supports the official Bethesda plugin (2013-2014) so I've not yet gotten around to doing my own prefab mod because 3ds Max is a bit of a learning curve. So I'm working on an add-on pack for Sim Settlements for the time being. :D

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