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Functional Clothing/Armor/Food Displays


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So SecretAgent99 released a mod that allows you to put your weapons up on a pegboard (how cool is that???) and I would love to see a similar mod for clothing and armor on shelves and mannequins, and food on shelves. My idea would really be for storefronts, so fully static shelves/mannequins with pre-placed items would be good enough for me, but I'm sure there are people who'd want to display their cool collected stuff on a mannequin for their personal workshop. Right now, I can use OCDecorator to place quite a few fiddly bits and not have them sink through everything, but it's not a complete library yet.


I've looked to see if there is anything out like this yet, but I've only found the weapons racks.


Thanks to all you modders! You guys rock!

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