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[Request] Turn off random vertibird encounters


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Topic title says it all.


They're kinda cool to see at first, but they're only annoying to me now. I'm doing a stealth build/run. They keep ruining everything. Both immersion & stealth.


Stealth example: Spend time sneaking up/around an area I'm about to attack/infiltrate... nope, here comes a vertibird, guns blazing, ruining everything and spoiling all my recon/plans. Bonus points for crashing & exploding on me. Heck, it happens a lot simply as I'm just approaching my target: come over a hill, there's my targteted location below. OK, let's see, which direction should I approach from... wait, here comes a vertibird... [vertibird attacks said location] ...well so much for that. :mad:


Immersion example: Why do these things crash & explode so easily? Why does the BoS seemingly throw these things away like they grow on trees? That doesn't jive at all.


haha Anyway, I'd love such a mod. Get those spoilers out of the sky unless I specifically call for one!

ditto. this says everything i've been getting madder and madder about since i started playing

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There's still no solution for this (other than 'disable' in the console)? Like the OP, I'm surprised this isn't making a lot more people ragey. I thought the vertibirds were cool for like the first three times i saw them. After that they've been nothing but a nuisance. A constantly recurring, infuriating nuisance. How many of these things did the BOS bring with them? A million? I've had in-game days where I walked from Sanctuary to someplace most of the way across the map and seen as many as 4 come, stir up enemies i'm trying to get the drop on, kite my kills, steal my XP and get shot down, all before I get where I'm going. I must have seen fifty get destroyed in this playthrough so far. How is that even remotely possible? Did no one think to ask that question in development?


I'm going to start disabling them with the console (and thanks for the suggestion) but a mod to turn them off or turn the frequency down to like 1/10th what it is now would be awesome.

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i was doing this 1 play through and got to the point where i had to work with a courser to capture/kill an escaped synth, I decided that particular quest could wait while i went to do some other stuff, Came upon the courser only to find i couldn't talk to him because a virtibird was flying over head and dropping BoS knights in paladin armor off trying to kill him, i had to go away and come back 3 times before he finally killed them

Edited by Drysyn
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Thing is if you look at the BOS airship it only has attachments for 4 aircraft. Yet you can blow up 50+ of them and they just keep coming.


I don't mind that they exist or that they even respawn, but egads they shouldn't be coming in by the squadron. I'd like to see a code insertion that reads "If a vertibird dies in this cell then no new vertibirds appear within twenty cells of this location for at least a week."


I don't see losing a vertibird being the end of the BOS, but I don't see them as Space Invaders, either. They should need time to recover, send for replacements, etc. Because one thing that is really obvious in FO4 is that someone in the script writing department mixed up the the BOS and the Enclave.

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I'm going to start disabling them with the console (and thanks for the suggestion) ...


One thing with disabling them with the console: the Vertibird disappears, but then you'll have the BoS knights floating in the air. (and they're very hard to see if they're in the distance) So be sure to disable them as well, after the Vertibird. Otherwise, they hang there and NPCs on the ground may still be alerted and start shooting at them, etc.


These infinite made-of-paper Vertibirds are the biggest anoyance in the game, for me.

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I have been messing with fo4edit, trying to locate the entries to edit. No luck so far.

With the GECK it'll probably be fairly easy to do.

I wish I had explored most of the downtown ruins, before doing the quest that triggers the vertibirds.

Why have the most performance destroying area in the game, swarmed with performance destroying flying things..grr

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