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Colors not rendering, red channel seems to disappear


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Hey folks, working on some mods of mine and I've noticed that in some files, in my case the 10mm pistol, when I save the file and export it to the game, the red channel seems to disappear, and things that are supposed to render as red only render as white or a washed out blue. I know how picky the texture maps are in this game and I still haven't quite gotten the hang of the specular maps yet (I can't get them to be a gradient map like they are on the vanilla ones, so I've just been flat colorizing the whole things and tweaking by hand...crude and somewhat effective), but I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing. Because I'm poor, I use GIMP instead of PS, and at the moment when I export the textures I'm doing it uncompressed with no particular formatting, which is likely what is causing the problem but again, deferring to the collective wisdom of my fellow modders.


Also, is there any way to force a refresh of textures in game? Rebooting it doesn't take super long, but it does get tedious.


Thanks in advance, folks!


*PS: I've tried meddling around with different compressions and formats and the like, but this hasn't ever happened with any of the other retextures I've done so far, and I will not be denied by a pistol.

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