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Sights request


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Hey guys, I'm all for the new gunplay system that's seriously improved since 3, however I don't feel it's been given an opportunity to be used to its full potential.



remake pipe weapon reflex sight, ONE screw, coming up from the bottom, and made narrower.




A black/glowing dot suspended by some sort of thin wire in the center.


For example the reflex sight for the pipe weapons is absolutely horrible in my opinion. The pipe rifle version has a recoil animation that's absurd to track anything with the stupidly separated screws.


As creative as the design is, Bethesda made hitting anything with the pipe weapon reflex sight a total pain and I having zero modding experience let alone the patience to look into doing it myself, I'd like to ask for somebody to redo the sight.


I'm not asking for Battlefield or Call of Doody level overhauling. Simply make the sight more practical and easier to use. Perhaps instead of two screws with a much too large gap between, I think a single screw (made slightly narrower) rising up from the bottom to pose as a reticle would be beneficial.


Or if you'd like to be even more awesome and show off your epic modding skills, another idea I had was keeping lore friendly, a dot/glowing dot held in suspension by 4 crossed wires. simulating a centered dot.


Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope others agree with this. I know there's many other options for sights but just for the players who have personal preference I think this would be beneficial.

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