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I want a bounty mod that increases:

The frequency of which bounty hunters are sent after you.

The amount of bounty hunters sent after you.

And the difficulty of them.

And all 3 of those aspects would increase, the higher your bounty is.


I think this would really encourage players, (especially me) to actually pay my bounty. I see a lot of bounty mods but none like this. I think this would be a great addition to the bounty mods out there.

Edited by Tomishin
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The mod you are looking for is called "the sinister seven".

It is one of my favorites.

It does everything you asked for and a little bit more. You can configure how powerful and how many opponents.

I think The only difference between this and your request is that they are not bounty hunters, they are Assassin's so you cannot pay them off, you have to fight.

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You, sir, have just made my day! I think a bounty hunter mod as I requested would definitely be a great addition to the bounty mods, but this surely will suffice for ME. I envisioned it as a bounty mod, but I really just wanted this kind of gameplay, always having to watch over your shoulder, always being hunted.


Thank you so much for telling me about The Sinister Seven! I will check that out as soon as I can. Thanks man!

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