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Hardcore mode, blind enemies, random critical hits, ammo type effects, repair armor and weapons


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Hi all! I've found this game to be a bit too easy in my experience, even in survival difficulty. The enemies don't see you while you shoot them in broad daylight 20m away from them, as if they are blind and deaf. I'd like this to be modded so the enemies are more aware of their surroundings. Also, I miss the lack of hardcore mode (eat, sleep, drink) and I don't like the fact that stimpaks heal limbs. It should be like in F3&NV HC - only doctors and doctors bags should heal limbs. Also sleeping in a bed shouldn't replenish all your health. It should heal more if you're nearly dead and less if you're close to full hp. Lack of weapon and regular armor degradation also makes the game fairly easy. Random critical hits should also be modded into the game, a lot of people have requested this mod. Different ammo types should have different effects, I think this would go along very well with weapon mods. For example: .308 round should have high critical hit chance and crit dmg, .50 should have high armor penetration but low crit chance and crit dmg. .44 round should be hollow point - high dmg against unarmored opponents, 5.56 - small amount of armor penetration etc. I love the game, but developers have "dumbed down" the game by removing some of the things from the previous games. I want this game to be HELL not a vacation like it is now. I thank developers for improving F3 and NV and I hope they will bring F4 to a whole new level with mods!

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