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I'd like a mod that changes the way Danse acts after you complete his quest. I hear he will leave you if you attack the brotherhood (after completing 'Blind Betrayal'), which to me does not make sense as he becomes a FORMER member, not to mention they tried to kill him. He also makes comments that imply he is still a member, so removing those would be nice.


In summary: I want the mod to make Danse still loyal to you if you attack the BOS after the quest 'Blind Betrayal'. Removing his pro-brotherhood comments would be nice, but its not required.

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I'm still holding on people modding in the half-finished Bethesda solving this issue.





"Unused dialogue suggests that Paladin Danse and the Sole Survivor were originally able challenge Maxson's authority as Elder through combat according to "the Litany". Through his defeat, it would have allowed Danse to regain his status as Paladin and grant the Sole Survivor the rank of Elder within the Brotherhood."


Edited by Athanasa
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I know.


One moment he's saying Brotherhood or nothing, the next he's shooting down a vertibird.


And he continues hating synths and anything done to help them...he's confused


Bethesda dropped the ball there. I mean, Danse seems like a clear choice of companion for female players that like the stoic, reliable type. And even ignoring that, he's one of the best bullet sponge companions in the game, besides Strong. And you can't take HIM anywhere, he isn't house trained. People are going to be wanting to keep Danse around, although it's offputting to have him around when vertibirds go hostile to you because they can somehow identify a random dude in power armor from a mile away.


It's like Bethesda thought, "Naaah, no-one's going to play after they've completed that quest! No-one will want Tankadin Danse. We can just not change him after that quest." Or, more likely...


"So, we'll give players the option to have Danse redeem himself."

"Oh good, we don't have to change the voice files then?"




"Okay lads, we cut that quest! BoS will always hate Danse now. TIME TO SHIP THE GAME!"

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You know, I made a post on Bethesda's forums (Future DLC content) about wanting to see the original ending to the BOS quest chain and BAM... It was deleted in less than 5 mins. I reposted it, assuming it was a glitch and the same thing happened again. So now I wonder if it's possible that it might be added back as part of the DLC? Because for whatever reason, Bethesda seems to want us to stay quiet about it.


To the OP, I'd also like to see his name changed from Paladin Danse to just Danse if the current ending of the quest line stays.


Happy gaming,



Edited by Catlen
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yup Danse needs to be fixed for sure

i gave him an Atom Cats helmet, so how the hell would they even know who he is.

i brought him to Railroad HQ before Blind Betrayal and they didnt attack him

you can bring Strong and Nick to anti mutant/synth places and they dont get attacked- to me those would make more sense.

you should at least be allowed to recruit him into the minutemen, the 1st time i brought him to the Castle he even said something like the Minutemen are like the BOS was when Lyons was in charge.

it would be even better if you could you could become the BOS elder like stated above.

Edited by volksjager88
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I support this, after seeing the Brotherhood's true colours after Blind Betrayal, I wanted nothing to do with them and went with the Railroad instead. Thus having to destroy the Brotherhood. Sadly, after destroying the BoS, Danse would not travel with me as a companion.

I would love a mod to at least make him able to travel with me again... The BoS pretty much just threw him in the trash! Did not regret destroying them and killing Maxson myself.

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I support this, after seeing the Brotherhood's true colours after Blind Betrayal, I wanted nothing to do with them and went with the Railroad instead. Thus having to destroy the Brotherhood. Sadly, after destroying the BoS, Danse would not travel with me as a companion.


Exactly! I liked the BOS before Bling Betrayal, afterward.... well, they were off my Christmas card list for sure.. As devoted as Danse is how the hell could they leave him with no way to redeem himself?


And it's just plain out weird to hear him yell "For the Brotherhood" whil shooting at a vertibird..

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