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Cloning in-game meshes for stand alone gun showing original


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Hey guys.. this isn't the same problem, an actual different topic. My goal was to add standalone textures to the minigun I was recreating. So what I did was rename all of the meshes and textures (eg. Original was "Minigun_barrel_d.DDS" I retextured to make a unique texture and exported as "HauQing_barrel_d.DDS") After doing so, I then went into NIFSkope 2.0.0 Pre-Alpha 4 and changed all the texture paths to the correct texture paths(Fallout4/data), then edited each .NIF to use each correct texture. Everything was going so well, and the gun looked exactly what it was supposed to look like (Ugly...but still correct) when then all of the sudden.... Boom... I decided to add the Archives path to the .Ba2 's... thats when my gun decided it wanted to be 80% "Minigun" and 20% "Hau Qing". I honestly feel like Bethesda adds a file "MakeModdingCauseBrainAneurysm.everymod"

Here is an visual image of my problem


On the left is the before (no archives) and the After is after adding the archives and reloading.. and i even checked it out ingame, i just simply doesnt work. The yellow circled area shows the texture is still there on the handle and the rear. The Rear uses a different texture than the main part of it but the handle uses the same texture.. and as you can see. the paths are the exact same. if anyone is kind enough, could they please please help me.. note, this is a midnight last call for desperate measures as I have exhausted 3 days on this very issue


Thanks everyone I feel like having a breakdown... haha

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