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Wall-Doors in Lakeview Manor


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I got Hearthfire last Sunday, and I had no problems. But recently I've had a... bug? Where when I go to open the doors into the manor, bedrooms, kitchen or trophy room I meet a wall. Every door in (and out of the house) has a wall intercepting it. I can get in and out the house fine, but I can't go into the extra rooms, neither can anyone in the house (Adopted children, husband, bard, steward ect.) I do have mods, but nothing to do with Lakeview. And I can't go back to a save where this wasn't a problem because that would mean going down about 10 levels, and when I've tried the problems just saved there, and if I go back it keeps transferring to that save.

Is there anyway I can fix this?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey silvi

I just ran into the same Problem in Heljarem (please dont kill me If I spelled it wrong)

I found a solution open your console and click the wall that is blocking your path. Then type getparentref know you should get a code. Then type prid and the code. After that you should See that code in the uppermiddle of the console Window. The last step you do is typing disable in your console and that should do the magic. You can close the console and play on

But be careful that you select the right object vor you could end up with deleting your floor (if that happens just do nothing else then typing enable)


So now that these walls are gone I have to make windstad reapear

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  • 4 years later...

Hey silvi

I just ran into the same Problem in Heljarem (please dont kill me If I spelled it wrong)

I found a solution open your console and click the wall that is blocking your path. Then type getparentref know you should get a code. Then type prid and the code. After that you should See that code in the uppermiddle of the console Window. The last step you do is typing disable in your console and that should do the magic. You can close the console and play on

But be careful that you select the right object vor you could end up with deleting your floor (if that happens just do nothing else then typing enable)


So now that these walls are gone I have to make windstad reapear

Thank you for this :D


My lakeview manor decided not to remove the wall to the greenhouse, so I had walls in doors :/

Just one small addition to your instructions above, after getting the parentref, and prior to prid, you need to click to unselect the item you had selected, otherwise it doesn't want to change the target for some reason.

I used markfordelete to remove the wall instead of disable as that didn't seem to work on a wall.

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