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Animated Character Textures for Argonians?


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Hello everyone,


I wanted to play as an argonian in my next run-through and have recently stumbled across a pretty neat mod that gave me an idea. This mod here changed the texture of argonians to create a chameleon-like effect - but unfortunately it is static. I am not entirely sure whether Skyrim's engine even supports that, but I think it would be pretty nice if it was possible to overlay a scrolling texture over e.g. the coloured scale spots in the above-mentioned mod (of course the scrolling texture should not expand over the entire model, that would be messy). Here is roughly what I mean:


-->click me for a .gif<--


The .gif above depicts Enigma, a character from Dota 2. I have a little bit of experience with the texture system in Dota 2 myself and in that game two different masks are used in addition to the colour map and the normal map, as well as (for some models) a so-called 'detail map' which is usually used for scrolling textures - in Enigma's case the stars running across the blue lines over his body (which areas of the model are affected by this (i.e. the body pattern above) is defined in one of the two masks.


Now here is my question: Does anybody know whether such a change would be possible in Skyrim's Engine and could create such a mod? Just imagine a chameleon-like argonian with the scales slowly changing colours or (even better) roleplaying as a dark-scaled shadowscale who's black scales are subtly but constantly changing. It does not have to be an overdone colour-fest but I think slight, animated changes in the textures might just add to these little details that really help bringing a game to live.


Please let me know if anyone feels up for this task!


Best regards,


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Scrolling textures are not .gifs. As described above those are static images that are scrolling over the model, the image itself is not animated. Think of it like cutting a hole in a piece of paper and sliding a page of newspaper below it. That's roughly how it works.

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