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Certain Weapon's Lack of Shell Ejection Fix


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A little issue with certain weapons that I have noticed (especially while using a mod to make them stay forever) is that some just do not eject shells while others only do when in first person, for instance the .50 and possibly other variants of the hunting/sniper rifle, this is a bit jarring when an NPC fires one as there is no shell, and in other cases the weapon in question doesn't eject shells at all, such as the double barreled shotgun for instance,


would these be easy fixes to the guns, is the emitter tied to the model or is it a value

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  1. datedoffensive
    less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
    • informaloffensive
      very foolish or stupid.

i recommend not being lawyer since u think simple thing like this can get som1 in trouble

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