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DEMOD - A New Demo and Design Service for Mod Authors


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Hey everybody, I'm J3litzkrieg.

You may have seen some of my recent work here on the Nexus, such as

Compact Jetpack, V-Wing Jetpack or Jetpacks Unlimited.

This forum is here as a way to introduce a new design service I want

to offer my fellow mod authors- a service I hope will help make the

Nexus even better and more beautiful than it already is...


DEMOD is a design service with a designated Youtube channel, created

for the sole purpose of hosting Fallout 4 mod demos.

It is not a review channel.

DEMOD acts as a creative venue for mod authors like yourselves to display your mod's features,

making it easier for players to quickly and easily understand what your mod has to offer.

Not only that, but DEMOD will help you create the assets you need to really make your mod page shine!


Dozens if not hundreds of amazing mods are published here by the creative, brilliant, and downright clever Nexus community everyday.

Unfortunately, many of these often go unnoticed, or are simply passed over.

The reason?













































When it comes to most creative projects, presentation is often a major

determining factor between "success" and "failure". I personally believe

that if even one person enjoys your mod, it's a success.

But if we're being honest, we would all prefer to see as many

people as possible enjoying our labors of love. :tongue:

That's where DEMOD comes in!

If you've created a mod, whether it's a work-in-progress or a finished product, and

you simply lack the time or skills/software/hardware/etc. needed to create

the assets to really show it off, DEMOD can help!

DEMOD's main goal is to create straight-forward, easily understood

presentation assets for authors to utilize as they see fit.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Mod Page Banners

Mod Feature Photos

How To Video Demos*



What DEMOD does NOT offer (including but not limited to):

Voice-overs (possibly in the future)

Settlement walkthroughs

Video Special Effects

*To clarify, "How To Video Demos" cover how to access the mod's features in-game, NOT how to CREATE the mod.








A simple YouTube link, like:

"Video/Photos by DEMOD" (depending on what content you choose) -on the top or bottom of your description page
A DEMOD logo somewhere on the photo page if those were the only assets chosen,
or even just the video on the video or description page, is all that's asked in return-

-and that's it!






If you have any questions, would like to submit a mod for service, or are interested in getting involved, simply make an inquiry below or message me directly at:


Thanks for taking the time. Stay safe out there fellow wanderers! :thumbsup:


Edited by J3litzkrieg
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