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Anyone know how to remove flickering lights? (this is not a bug!)


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I play Skyrim on an OK-ish computer. No problems so far... However whenever I go under/near a flickering light (such as those commonly found inside Dwarven ruins, or fireplaces) my computer struggles a bit and I get noticeable stuttering.


I remember when I played Oblivion (ages ago, on another computer) I had the same issue. I fixed it with a mod called 'No Lights Flicker'.

I couldn't find any such mod for skyrim though, and this may be because that NoLightsFlicker mod was later integrated into Wrye Bash's tweaks (meaning anyone could switch off flickering lights from wrye without adding a mod for it).


I do use Wrye, but I am no genius when it comes to it. I've read as many guides and readmes as I could find and I've exhausted my brain limits- the information is little and I need a bit of extra help understanding how to access these tweak settings!(or if you know of a mod that fixes this...!)


I tried posting on Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting but I am not sure if that was the proper place to ask (as I am not sure if I need a mod or not, or where to ask about Wrye...). My apologies if that's the case (link to post)


Thanks in advance.



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