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Neutral Ending to the Civil War


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I've been looking for a mod that brings an end to the civil war by not joining either side, and just killing the main characters responsible. Having a quest that gets you to dispatch Tullius, Ulfric, and Elenwen, as well as driving the Thalmor out of Skyrim (to at least lick their wounds). I've been looking all over for such a mod and I don't think it exists. And I've browsed through several pages of the forums and couldn't find a similar request. If anyone may be interested in this, please reply or send me a PM. Thank you for your consideration.

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There is "become high king of skyrim" which is pretty much exactly what you're looking for.
It allows you to marry either ulfric or elisif, kill both, or do neither at the cost of having a much harder time becoming king. you can also start a "war" with the thalmor. the mod is good but modifies alot of stuff which makes it incompatable with a lot of different mods. keep this in mind.

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